Saturday, November 10, 2007

Advancing With Learning 2.0

I read two articles today regarding Learning 2.0. One was from the Cool Librarian and the other was from the Library Journal. They both discussed the ups and downs of Learning 2.0. The problem I read with this new form of technology is that there is a consensus that nobody would want to get involve with this new technology. Nobody likes to read blogs and a lot of people do not know what half of these terms mean. In the article entitled "The Cart Before the Horse", this subject is brought up and tells about the hard times of a part time librarian. She is trying to implement all these new features but she keeps getting told that no one is interested in these features. I feel we all have a way to go before any of this stuff gets implemented. Our task as a library is to inform the patrons that wiki's and blogs and all these other services are good for students as well as adults. I know one day all these features will be used but I believe right now the vocabulary is not registering with the masses and it is our job to help them speak our language.

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