Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rollyo Search

Hi everybody. I updated my site with a search rollyo of all my favorite sites. Take a sec and look at all the sites I visit on a day to day basis to keep informed on what's going on in entertainment, computers and movies. The site was real easy to navigate through. Please feel free to send comments on your favorite sites.


My Library Catalog

These are the books that I use in my life regarding topics I love to read about. I love technology and I have a myspace account and a You tube account. The site called "Library Thing" is easy to use and I have been locating books that I never heard of and then ordering them through my library. I like that you can keep your own catalog with photos and titles. I put my top five books on my blog to be viewed.

My Dopple Me Character!

I created a character using the Dopple Me image generator. It was very easy to do and I know if anyone has kids reading this blog, they would be entertained for hours. I pasted my character on this blog for all to see. I also put a link to the site so you know where you can create one also. Enjoy!
If you sign up with Dopple Me you have access to a whole lot of features so I recommend that you sign up.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

RSS Feeds

Rss feeds are very helpful in finding all the information that you need right away. I subscribed to ten of my favorite websites and I was blown away on how it cut out all that other stuff you do not want to deal with when you go to websites. This tool can be very helpful in libraries because if a patron wants to know about a certain item or article you can just click on the Rss feed to avoid time in navagating through the website. My top ten feeds deal with mostly technology because that is what I am into. I also like the fact that you can add as many as you want. It is fast and very simple to learn. My top ten feeds now are:

1. Engadget
2. Cnet
3. Tech Dirt
4. Web Developer
5. Bloglines
6. Rolling Stone
7. Mtv
8. Mac Rumors
9. Gizmodo
10. ESPN

Thursday, October 11, 2007


My technology news refers to the IPhone. I have one and I picked it up on the first weekend when it was released, so yes I paid the $599.oo for it. I would have to say it is worth every penny. The plan is $60.00 a month for 450 minutes and the service is good. The beautiful interface lets you see movies like they are suppose to be seen and the Ipod is the best one they ever made. The battery life is good also. It lasts me the whole day and that is with going on the internet, playing music, watching videos and talking on the phone. It is a great investment and I recommend anybody out there who is thinking about getting a cell phone to get this one.

Creating Your Own Library Trading Card

The web app that I felt real comfortable with was Fd Toys trading card maker. With this web app you are able to create your own trading card and post it on Flickr. I created one with ease and then posted it for the public to see. Check it out at flickr if anyone gets the chance and then comment on it. The web app is real simple to use. You start by uploading your photo. Make sure that you center the photo. You then pick your background and write a description. It then asks you if you want to publish it with Flickr, say yes and then follow the simple instructions. You will have a library trading card in no time. Hope this helps anybody out there.


Queens Library Talent Show Photos Now Up!

The Queens Library Talent Show photos are up at Flickr.com. I taged the photos under queens library 1st talent show. I can not wait for the next show to occur next year. Hopefully I can be a part of it again. The experience through Flickr was fun and painless. I have delt with photo sharing sites before the main one being PhotoBucket. I hope you all like the photos and I will see you at the next one.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Easiest And The Hardest

The 7 & 1/2 was a great way to learn what I needed to work on to improve my learning and what I was good at. I found out after reading the text that I found it easy to adapt to technology. This was Habit #6 and I found it easy to mentor others which was Habit #7. The hardest habits for me were habits 1,2, and #4. With habit #1(Goals) I feel that I learn enough to get by but not enough to be well versed at my craft. With habit #2(Accept Responsibility For Your Own Learning) I do not read many How To books and I really do not sign up often for training classes, I feel that I can teach myself and learn my way. With habit #4, I sometimes do not choose my words carefully and that sometimes gets me into trouble. When I end up looking back at the situation, I sometimes say to myself why did I say that? Overall these habits are good to try to better yourself in your everyday living activities. I hope one day I may be able to apply these learning techniques to help make me a better person in certain situations.