Monday, October 1, 2007

The Easiest And The Hardest

The 7 & 1/2 was a great way to learn what I needed to work on to improve my learning and what I was good at. I found out after reading the text that I found it easy to adapt to technology. This was Habit #6 and I found it easy to mentor others which was Habit #7. The hardest habits for me were habits 1,2, and #4. With habit #1(Goals) I feel that I learn enough to get by but not enough to be well versed at my craft. With habit #2(Accept Responsibility For Your Own Learning) I do not read many How To books and I really do not sign up often for training classes, I feel that I can teach myself and learn my way. With habit #4, I sometimes do not choose my words carefully and that sometimes gets me into trouble. When I end up looking back at the situation, I sometimes say to myself why did I say that? Overall these habits are good to try to better yourself in your everyday living activities. I hope one day I may be able to apply these learning techniques to help make me a better person in certain situations.

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